
Immigration Migration: Ellis Island

  • Birth Date

    Birth Date
    Hello my name is Leoplod Podolski, I was born on November 14, 1881, Bonn Germany. I am the oldest out of my 2 brothers. I am leaving, becuase I am looking for a new life. I hope that i will be successful in America.
  • The Passage: Going to America

    The Passage: Going to America
    I am now fifteen years old and, I am traveling a great distance from my hometown. I venture out to this place called America. I am now alone leaving my friends and family at Bonn, Germany. I seek out a new life at America. When I came to America I saw the Staute of Liberty. I satred at her that i will find hope in this new country.
  • Ellis Island: Inspections

    Ellis Island: Inspections
    Today I stepped foot on Ellis Island. It was very crowded that even an ant coulnd't sqeeze through the crowd. I waited thinking it was going to take months untili I get inspected. In my suprise the line went quiker than I espected. The line died down less then an Hour. When it was mt turn the docters were looking at my eyes if I had some sort of disease in my eyes.I bothered when he flipped my eyes inside out. I left out the building and now my new life starts now.
  • Lucky Day

    Lucky Day
    I didn't know where to start except trying to find a place to sleep. I walked the pathway walking for a place so I can rest. I strange man walks up to me and say, are you hungry? I said yeah. He offered me money and pointed a guy down the street that was selling food. He then said that a guy down the street will let me sleep there overnight. He said that his name was Boss Tweed.
  • Living in a Slum

    Living in a Slum
    I am cuurently living in a slum. I live in with a Geman Immigrants. I live in a aparments with 5 other people. I made a couple of friends. I hope I can get a better Job. This is not the hope I was looking towards America.
  • Contruction worker

    Contruction worker
    I was lucky that a got a few cents in my pocket to buy some lunch at my first day at work. It is very dangerous one mistake could mean my life. But I need money in order to get things I need. Like food and water. It is a hard job, but I would probalby make more money than back in Germany. It was heart pounding trying to walk beam to beam. We had no breaks or bathroom breaks. Eating lunch was a little break for us. I made one friend Carl Donfus. He helped me on something I didn't understand.