Leda Stoltzfuz (Stoltzfus) Date Of Birth
June 25th 1850 was the day I was born, I grew up to the age of five in Germany. My father a opera singer left in search of a job, he never came back... I lived with my grandmother afterwards, in till we got that letter. The letter was from my father it came from America. My grandmother sent me off to America afterwards. However when I got there It wasn't America, it was England. I spoke no English only my name. I was taken to a new family and learned how to sing, my voice was my ticket to the US -
Hostorical Event 1
I set off to sea today with just a small suit case and my savings, they would last me 12 months on my own for food and a home. My jourany was rough an long, sickness spread on the boat and I was left with only a bicket to shead my tears in. However once we arived to America the statue they call Lady Liberty greeted us with hopes and dreams, also freedom.After being checked for disease, I went in search for a place to spend the night. However everything was closed, so I slept on the streets. -
Historical Event 2
I woke up to find myself with a robbery a foot. A man about my age was trying to loot my coins! I yelled at him and he stopped automatically. His name is Jameson, a man whom was born to live on the streets. He needed money and food, he saw some money on me and took the chance. However once I told him my sotry he offered to help find my dear old father. -
Historical Event 3
Me and Jaeson have seen some really interesting sites. I saw Lady Liberty for the last time, and witnessed my frist Derby race on the 15th. I finly found my way to Pensylvania to find my long lost father. However when I found him he was sick and on his last breath, but when he saw me I knew he was turly happy because his saw his daughter before his passing. July 5th 1877, I saw fire works for the first time, as me and Jameson set out to our farm in Lancaster County PA.