Immigration and Westward Movement Timeline

  • Leaving the Ship

    Leaving the Ship
    There were crowds and crowds of people getting off the ship looking for family, yelling for people to move, and some just standing in awe. I was simply trying to find my father in the sea of people that had separated me from him. I yelled his name, but I couldn't even hear my own voice over the noise and hundereds of people.
  • Arriving at Ellis Island

    Arriving at Ellis Island
    The long, brutal trip on the boat had dampened my spirits, but when the Statue of Liberty came into view, I had never felt happier. This caused everyone to jump up and down with excitement and joy. I had waited so long for this moment after the potato famine had started, because it took nearly everything from my family. Since my family's main way of making money was selling potatoes, we were left with nothing. We could no longer pay our land land lord for our home, so we were put on the streets.
  • Reunited With My Father

    Reunited With My Father
    I was walking around the city, desperatly trying to find my father. Right when I thought hope was lost, I saw a man in a shop window, who looked strangely similar to my father. I went inside the shop, and found that it was him! He had been asking the shop owner if he had seen me anywhere. I was so relieved to find him, so we could start our new lives in America.
  • Getting Supplies to Move West

    Getting Supplies to Move West
    Since my father and I finally had settled in, we headed to a few shops to get supplies, oxen, and a covered wagon so we could begin our trek West. We packed up our wagon, and joined a wagon train to move West the next day.
  • Beginning the Trek West

    Beginning the Trek West
    With our wagon train, we began slowly, but steadily heading down the smooth dust road. So far, there had been no rough terrain because of the wagons before us making a clean path in the road. The sun was shining and our spirits were high, so all was good so far.
  • Bad Weather on the Trail

    Bad Weather on the Trail
    Over night, the weather got really bad on the trail. Strong, cold gusts of wind would bring down whole trees. One of the trees even fell on two of the wagons. Not only did the wind damage wagons, but it also caused it to get so cold, that some people almost froze to death.
  • Finally Making it to Oregon

    Finally Making it to Oregon
    On a bright spring day in May, our trek was nearing an end. We had made it through the treacherous journey to Oregon. When we entered Oregon, it was everything I had dreamt to be. The tall trees swayed with the gental wind, and flowers bloomed as far as the eye could see.Birds acknowledged our arrival with friendly chirps, and long golden grasses waved at us. This was the land I had been dreaming about my whole life.
  • Beginning Our Lives in Oregon

    Beginning Our Lives in Oregon
    My final goal in immigrating to America, was to move West and begin a farm. To complete my goal, the only step I needed to complete, was getting some land for a farm. So me and my father went to ask about the free property. To get the land, we participated in the race to claim land. We moved as fast as we could to get our ideal pick land. We ended up getting some beautiful land with nice fertile soil, and lots of trees.
  • Settled in Our New Home

    Settled in Our New Home
    A month has past since we recieved our land. Within that time, we had built a lovley, little house from the trees on our land, and were already harvesting our first crops.All was well with my father and I, and we had never had a better life.