
Immigration and Westward Expantion

  • Period: to

    Theodor Kegel

    Theodor Kegel's Immigration Timeline
  • Doubts about Germany

    Doubts about Germany
    Germany had so much land.. taken. It all is very expensive, I can barely pay for my tiny apartment. I have to live with two other people, it is getting crowded. I think I will move to America tommorow, I heard there is free land there.
  • More doubts.. about America

    More doubts.. about America
    Here I am on the boat, it has been fixed of leaks for the third time, it seems like Germany is a better place to be than this falling apart, ravaged, country. Sewage reeks from everywhere! At least it is over in two days.
  • Boston, Massachutes

    Boston, Massachutes
    I have finally arrived! It isn't so bad as I originally thought. It is pretty wild and bustling with immigrants like me, but for the most part, the people here look like me. They all are seeking jobs. I went and sold paintings, making more paintings and selling them. I like this job, it has more buyers than back in Germany.
  • America's True Colors

    America's True Colors
    It was around two months since I settled in, and already I am being constantly violated. Today is the tenth of october and this is a nightmare. Americans go dressing up as hideous creatures, and mask thier true selves from the crimes they commit. They beat me down and yelled discriminating comments at me. Comments like "Get off our rightful land, peasant immigrant!". I think I will head out west, see what fortunes are there.
  • Earning Money for Free Land

    Earning Money for Free Land
    It is almost the end of the year and I have collected enough money to buy land in the west, at least I hope the prices are the same as in Germany. As I go along the long-memorized path, I think about this, I stop when I reach the news post. On the wall where all the news is, something worth bags of gold was slipped between to articles. It was the post of free land in the west, which means the money I saved up, could easily pay off the price of the train.
  • More abuse

    More abuse
    Right before entering the train, some American pushed me off. He didn't let me back on and robbed me of all my money, I even missed the train. Bad luck is with me today. At least I still have my ticket, I will have to earn some more money until I can leave. I heard someone will but one of my more recent paintings for quite a bit.
  • Succeful transfer

    Succeful transfer
    It all went as planned, better in fact. I sold my painting and recieved more than I expected. I have decided to buy a huge bulk of supplies and transfer them to the west by a company I hired. I shall be leaving for the west tommorow.
  • Arriving at the appointed place

    Arriving at the appointed place
    I have finally arrived and checked in for the race tommorow. I think I will be in the very back, and set up near the town, I want many customers for all sorts of business. My supplies are being shipped to the site tommorow. I am very excited for this new begining, land of my own, a house of my own. And even better, space of my own!
  • Setting up the first kindergarden in the west

    Setting up the first kindergarden in the west
    Today is a great day, I finally finished the kindergarden I was setting up a while ago. Many people are asking me if thier children can go there, Americans are quite welcoming at the idea of a kindergarden. There still is discriminitaion, but not as much. I think I can easily pay off the debt I have from owing ferry men for transfering my relatives here.