Immigration and Westward Expansion Timeline

  • Period: to

    Immigration and Westward Expansion

  • Immigrating to America

    Immigrating to America
    September 24th, 1860:
    Ireland, life was hard. I'm a very religious person, and Ireland didn't give me the oppurtunity to be who I am. People didn't listen to my opinions on religions, and it really got on my nerves. Because people didn't listen to my religious views, it made me want to come to America. In America, there's better wealth, more jobs, and more land. It'll give me a chance to live freely without being judged.
  • Missionaries and Beliefs

    Missionaries and Beliefs
    July 17th, 1862:
    The Homestead Act offers 160 acres of land to anyone who's willing to live on the land for 5 years. That's why I want to go West, the land there is immense and immaculate. I want to practice my religion. Because the Native Americans were trying to force me into their religion, I had to find some people that understand me. I met missionaries around town, they accepted me after long talks. We bonded. They shared the same beliefs as me, we have the same religion.
  • Settled and Fighting with the Natives

    Settled and Fighting with the Natives
    October 11th, 1862:
    I've settled in America. I met a man here that helped me get land when everyone was fighting, He led to me a great pasture where I'm now staying. There's some Native Americans, they're not very fond of me. I don't fit in, but I'll make it work. The Natives are trying to teach me the ways of their culture. They don't understand my needs or my beliefs; just like I don't understand theirs. They want to force me into their culture and their feelings, their religion! It's crazy!
  • Land, Land, Land

    Land, Land, Land
    September 24th, 1873:
    The Homestead Act promised land after 5 years of living here. The land here has been mine since 1867; I't's been a great 6 years. America is great, the people, the land, etc. It's breathtaking, really. I'm married now. I've met a great man named James. He and I gave birth to an beautiful girl named Charlotte. Many people from different lands come to hear me and my missionaries speak. I'm delighted that it all has worked out, sort of. The Natives are still upset.
  • Land, Land, Land Pt. 2

    Land, Land, Land Pt. 2
    • Charlotte. She's gorgeous. I can't wait to see her grow up in a place that's as amazing as she is. She'll grow to be a great woman. She won't have to immigrate, she won't have to go through all the work to get somewhere in life. It'll be easy for her. Because Ireland differs so much from America, Charlotte won't have to endure all the work to get here. I'm glad that life's getting easier for everyone, including me.
  • Winter Hardships

    Winter Hardships
    March 9th, 1888:
    The land me & my family have is amazing. But now winter's coming and times are tough. Since the winter's been harsh here in America, it's tough for the crops to stay alive. The missionaries & I had to stop speaking for a couple months cause of the cruel weather. Snow fills the land, animals are dying, & we have to fend off of what we have. It's frightening. me. Weather in Ireland wasn't like this, & if it was, I had more protection.
  • Making Peace Part 2

    Making Peace Part 2
    • works on creating more railroads and part time in a mill. He's the main provider for our family. My little girl is almost 18. She's grown so fast. Life here in America has been amazing. I've come such a long way. But growing up with my Irish roots did help. It made me strong, compatible, helpful, willing, and so much more. I'm happier here. It's amazing.
  • Making Peace

    Making Peace
    April 17th, 1891:
    Life's better now that we made peace with the Natives. They're sticking to their culture and we're sticking to ourws. Our mission leader talked with them. I'm feeling more peaceful and safe now. My family is happy, living in our great home. There's still been issues with the crops after each winter, After immigrating here from Ireland to America, I've become so much happier. I have a family, a kid even. I have a job, working in a factory and part time at a saloon. My husband -