Immigration and Westward Expansion of Kovac Dikinshtein

  • Period: to


  • House burned down

  • I saved the Money for America

    On October 20th, 1869, I finally saved enough money to Make my journey from Moscow Russia, down to the harbor, to get on a boat to America with enough food, buy a wagon and horse when there in America, and go to the Oklahoma territory. This was hundreds of dollars I saved up from working in a factory.
  • Leaving from Russia to America: Boat

    We got on the boat first and set off to America. Everyone was wearing old ripped clothing. When I looked back at the dock, there were thousands of people waiting to get on the boat.
  • Period: to

    Immigration and Westward Expansion

    Kovac Dikinshtein is immigrating from Russia to America because of his poor town. He wants to farm in the Oklahoma territory that is in America.
  • Thousands of People at Ellis Island

    Thousands of People at Ellis Island
    We got off the boat first at Ellis Island. We had to go through so many medical examinations. The worst one was the eye examination. We had to flip our eye lids over so they can see if we had some sort of eye disease.'s&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=boston+harbor+1800
  • Boston Harbor

    Finally I made it to Boston Harbor! When we got off, I was able to see thousands of people. Right when i stepped foot on land, 5 people swarmed me and asked me for a job. I said no to all of them though.
  • Thousands of People in wagons going to America

    On this day I bought a wagon, a horse, and enough food for the journey down to the Oklahoma territory. Also, I started my Journey there too. there were thousands of people going there.
  • Christmas

    Nobody Traveled anywhere this day. People just celebrated all day.
  • New Years Eve

    We moved all day and when it became night, we partied. Everybody got drunk but me. I left and went to bed just so i wouldn't be hurling all over one of my pairs of clothes...
  • Made it to Oklahoma

    On this day, My journey to the Oklahoma territory ended. I was there.
  • The Homestead Act

    The Homestead Act
    When I got to the Oklahoma Territory, we didn't even have to buy land! There was the Homestead Act! When we got our land, we got seeds to plant crops with it too. After a long day of work, Some group of moronic adults came out and burned all of them! We had no crops or anything to sell.