Ellis island

Immigration and Westward Expansion

  • Moving to America

    Moving to America
    My name is Robert Cameron, and today my family and I are moving to America. I have heard that there is free land in the west in America and I want to settle there with my family. We will be taking a boat there and it will be about eight weeks until we arrive. I will be taking some clothes and all the money I have and my wife and two kids will be coming too. I am very excited to start a new life there.
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    Immigration and Westward Expansion

  • First Job

    First Job
    Today I got my first job after here only for a few days. I got my job in a meat factory in Boston. Before getting this job though, I got rejected from another job because the owner didn't think I had enough experience for the job. But I am very happy where I am working now because it will be enough to support my family. In the factory, we process and handle meat to sell to stores and resturaunts.
  • Moving West

    Moving West
    Today, my family and I finished packing our belongings and started to head out west. I didn't have much interest for my job in the factory anymore, so I decided to quit and move west and work for a mining company and as a bonus there is a lot of land out there. We have a long journey on the road ahead of us but I am excited to get out it the west instead of being in the city.
  • Claiming Land

    Claiming Land
    After several hours of riding around with family, we found a stake to claim land. I broadly and proudly got of my horse with my family and placed our stake in the ground. During this moment, I knew that leaving Scotland was the best decision I had ever made. I could not be more satisfied with the land we got. It was filled with nice soil for farming and had a nice stream running along near it. This is definitely the best day of my life.
  • Oklahoma Land Rush

    Oklahoma Land Rush
    Today my family and I will be competing in the Oklahoma land rush because we want to have more land and to have a nice place to settle down where it is free. Hopefully we will get a nice area of land that I can farm at and also have good resources around the area. There is tons of people at the event so the odds at getting land are not the best, but I am determined to get my family to land.
  • Crops ruined

    Crops ruined
    Up until today, everything has been flawless out in our land in Oklahoma. But unfortunately, while my family and I were gone getting some supplies, we were raided and the people destroyed some of my crops. I am quite dissapointed that my crops got ruined and it will be a bit of a set back for our family. I hope we won't have to go through much hardships while we live here because I want this to be a great time for my family and I's lives.