Immigration and Westward Expansion

  • Burnt House

    Burnt House
    On a cold winter day in Moscow, there was an alchohol spill in house, the candle fell on the floor, and flames blazed. The house was on fire instantly. Me and my brother Kovac, escaped the burning house with our valuables. We were hopeless without enough money for another barn, so we chose to go to America. This was a push factor for going to america
  • Period: to

    Timeline of NyQuillus Dikinshtein

  • Starting our journey

    I, Nyquillus Dikinshtein, only 18 years old with my brother, Kovac, 19 years old have started our journey to Germany from moscow. From germany we plan to go to ireland, then America.
  • Part ways with big brother, Kovac

    Part ways with big brother, Kovac
    I, Nyquillus Dikinshtein, with my big brother Kovac, took a long six week journey to Germany. Thankfully, we made it to Bremerhaven, Germany, safely, and took a merchant boat to Dublin, Ireland. In Dublin, we had to steal food and money from rich homes, and Kovac got caught. As we were escaping, we had to separate. I got to the harbor, and I never spoke, covering my face with scarfs. I spent all my money on a ship to America. Thankfully, I had enough money to be in second class.
  • Land on America

    Land on  America
    Never speaking or showing my identity, I waited for two months to land on America, and I finally did. I didn't have to go through security, just a simple check, so I poassed easily. First I find shelter, and I keep my self to myself, is what I thought.
  • Found place where I can stay with shelter

    Found place where I can stay with shelter
    I have finnaly found a place to live. A farmplace in the outskirts near Boston. The owners were a nice family, and they kept me alone. I decided to live through the winter saving up money to go west.
  • Saved money through winter, on to the west

    Saved money through winter, on to the west
    I have saved up money in all possible ways, and now it is time to move west. The long hours of factory jobs, farm jobs, and stealing have paid off. I have bought myself a horse, supplies, food, and water.
  • Taking train, aquiring land

    Taking train, aquiring land
    All ready with a horse and supplies, I went on a train leading me to the oklahoma territory. After a week on the train, I made it to oklahoma territory. For a few days I stayed in the territory, waiting for the race. In the race, I have aquired decent land, and decided to live hear for many years.
  • Meet with brother

    After 5 long years, I finally meet with my brother, Kovac, in a tavern. Find out he has aquired land like me, and is living a happy life.
  • Hot summer

    Hot summer
    The summer was very hot, and amazingly my farm has been doing better than ever. My farm business has been growing, because of plants dying from the heat. My farm was so succesful, that I made deals with other farms, making more branches in my business.
  • Become very wealthy

    Become very wealthy
    After a year of very succesful business, I have built myself a very big home, and become very wealthy. I was the owner of a big farm business, and never had a better time than now.
  • Assasinated

    I knew there were many people who hated me for being too wealthy, but I never knew they wanted to kill me. One morning in my farm, I got shot by someone 50 yards away using a 1861 rifle. The wound was close to my heart, and I had no chance of surviving now. At age 30, I have died young, but lived a very happy short life.