Immigration and Westward Expansion

  • Immigrant

    My name is Gastone, Marino and I am originally from Italy right now we are in poverty and I need to get out I don't think me or my family will be able to stay here much longer. I only have $20 and will send asmuch as I can back to my family in Italy till I can bring them over to America
  • The Trip

    The Trip
    I have finally got on the boat. It is cold here. The snow blankets the ship today. My stew is cold before it gets to my hands and the meat is hard. Christmas is no ware close to happy onboard.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    I gained a cough but after a few days it passed and I was free to be questioned. They asked what it was like in spainand why I left. They could be a little harsh when Ididn't fully understand what they were askinng me but I am glad to finally be in America.
  • Little Italy

    Little Italy
    The area is nice. I can speak my language and be sure people understand me. The Irish are idiotic and always provoking us. Yet I feel like I am at home again with the same people and food as I grew up with.
  • Factory Work

    Factory Work
    Finally found a place to work. They accept us as Italians working in the Rubber Company. The smell is unbearable at first but the work is what I need. I will do anything for work now a days with so few providers. I feel gifted to work in Candee Rubber Company.
  • Rail Road

    Rail Road
    Traveling on the railroad is nice. The land makes me want to move out. The rolling hills are spectacular to watch as we ride and build the tracks for the trains. I know I’m building America and glad to do it yet it can get a little repetitive.
  • Fishing

    The fish here are abundant and these boats. I have finally bought my own boat and bringing my family over. I told them not to mention the job on my boat. Since the law won’t permit it. Finally have a stable living going on.