Immigration and Westward Expansion

  • Getting to the United States of America

    Getting to the United States of America
    I move to america because my family was poor and I was the younger child that no one cared about. I hope to seek a farm and money when I get to america. After what seemed a life time I finally got off the boat and took my first steps in a different contry other than Ireland.
  • Period: to

    Immigration and westward expansion

    John McDonalds timespan
  • The hotels and people are starting to not exept Irish.

    The hotels and people are starting to not exept Irish.
    The hotel and job I have been staying at for the past year is no longer exepting the Irish, so I got kicked out and am now homeless.This is because there are to many Irish people immigrating. I will have to find a new job and hotel which probably won't be as good as the job I had before.
  • News of possible free land in the Oklahoma territory

    News of possible free land in the Oklahoma territory
    I have a really bad job making the railroad it pays ok but the money is not worth the pain. I have been saving money for along time not sure what I'm going to use it on but, there is rumors of free land give away in the Oklahoma territory by a reliable source and if there is any chance of free land I want to be the first person to have it, so I bought suplies in preperation.
  • Getting my land

    Getting my land
    The rumors ended up true there will be a land give away. It had been a while since I checked on the suplies I bought a few years ago but they still work. When I got there it was literally a race for the land. I got some land up on a hill near a river it will be good for a farm.
  • Building house and farm

    Building house and farm
    I built my farm which caused me to be able to farm a make some money for my newly found family. On my farm I will mainly be growing wheat and potatoes.
  • First sell of crops

    First sell of crops
    I'm finally after alot of hard work finished my farm and harvested my first crops which cuased me to finally make a bit of money. Soon my kids will be able to take over.