Horse  1

Immigration and Western Expansion Timeline Project

  • Period: to


  • On The Way Shannon is Thinking:

    On The Way Shannon is Thinking:
    1845 through 1852 the Potato Famine was horrible. Now, I, Shannon am going to the United States, I nhave heard of no such famine there, which is just one reason to go. I shall miss home, but my family had no land that was really ours. I have heard the United States is giving FREE LAND! I hope it's true, We need it so.
  • Trouble Finding a Job

    We've been here a few weeks now,only Pa has a job. Most the posters around say "no Irish need apply" on it.. I hope the Lord is looking after us.
  • A Job!

    A Job!
    I finally got a job! even if it is just plucking the chickens, it's better than no job. The pay is low, but that's okay I need any money I can get.
  • Land

    Pa got to race for the land and lost! we are allowed to try, since we have not yet raced, but Pa may no longer race. I hope we get some land soon. Ma and I shall race in the next race they have here.
  • Winning Land

    Winning Land
    At first we thought oh no we're goning to lose, when we found a flag and replaced it with our own! We have our own land!
  • Working

    Sorry, I've been to busy farming our land to write much. Farming doesn't pay very well, but it is better than plucking chickens. Sorry got to go,
    Shannon McCarthy