Immigrate story

  • Hitler Appointed Chancellor

    I am a young Jewish business owner, and Hitler was appointed chancellor. This doesn't seem to be good for our country since he is just intended to be a fools bargain, and with us still trying to rebuild from ww1.
  • Laws Against the Jews.

    The start of this year has been rough with discrimination against my people in Germany and Hitler being Appointed. It's been hard to make money to support myself during this time because they had also made laws against us to make life even harder such as the Zweibrücken: Jewish businesses are forbidden to participate in the next annual market. This makes it hard to make my living here. We also have deal with the political mess we are in with political parties either being repressed or disbanded.
  • Hitler taking the position of president

    It has a month and 2 days since Hitler was appointed president after Hindenburg's death. Just to say life has been getting a whole lot harder through this past year and now it's getting even worse with the laws, and I'm starting to get looks everywhere I go now.
  • Construction of Sachsenhausen

    This is the final straw they are stopping jewish kinds from going to school, and increase in violence against has increased greatly. I even got beat by Nazi soldiers just because I didn't follow simply commands. I even heard rumors about the construction of a concentration camp. So I thought if not then, now is the time with all the amount of jew emigrates.
  • Time to Leave

    From all the political reasons and discrimination to me and other Jewish has made it hard to continue a life here. I fear my safety and it has been hard to leave because of money reasons but now I'm getting out of here no matter the cause.
  • Processing the Idea

    Many of my friends have left of tried leaving this place to start a new where they feels safe. I feel the same way I want to travel to America so I can start a new an make a new business where my safety is most definitely granted.
  • Finding ways of Travel

    It has been getting harder to find ways of transportation when Germany has been pacifically restricting our ways of getting out of Germany. Lucky I have someone who is willing to take my in the back of their truck to Hamburg to were I can catch a road on a boat to the U.S with other escaping Jews. The time window is short I have to be there by mid morning and I'm living in Berlin at the time which is around a 3 to 4 hour drive time.
  • Escaping to America

    The trip in the back of the truck could've been worse but it was successful I was able to make it on the boat safely and wasn't spot. Now my journey to America starts today, with my other people taking the journey with me, seems to me that America is a popular choice to start a new, and I must be hoping on the bandwagon.
  • Half Way

    I am half way through my trip to the U.S, it is a around a 17 day trip in total especially with the ship we are using know but this amount of time that passes on this ship go me to think about my future coming to the U.S and the reason behind me picking this country. The stories mainly gave the idea of going there, just the idea of freedom there amazed me as well has me being able to start a new with this newer country. I left now family behind with my parents passing and wanting to start a new.
  • Arrival

    It was early in the morning when I arrived, and after days the new scenery was amazing, and I started a job at a general food store, just to make an income to start my own store just like before.
  • New Culture

    It was been a new experience, I've been stilling working at the same shop, but I have experienced their music, and there political setup. Movies are staring to become popular here, just a lot of new things here that I would've never experienced back in Germany, and I began to call this place home.
  • Getting Involved in WW2

    WW2 had start around 2 years back but after the bombing of Pearl Harbor the U.S has gotten involved. I'm feeling like enlisting with the other 500,000 Jews. I feel like I have fight against Germany with all they have done to me and my culture, now I call my new home America and I am will to fight for it.
  • After WW2

    After the end of WW2 I came back home to settle down and continue my life that I left behind, being able to become the business man I've always wanted to be. Also being able to start a family of my own would be the American dream to me.