• Mons-en-Baroeul, near Lille, launches a shadow city council with foreign residents

    Mons-en-Baroeul, near Lille, launches a shadow city council with foreign residents
  • Maastricht Treaty (1992) creates european citizenship

    Maastricht Treaty (1992) creates  european citizenship
    Maastricht Treaty gives foreign residents of EU member states the right to vote and be elected at european and municipal elections.
  • Foreign residents in the EU vote for the first time

    Foreign residents in the EU vote for the first time
    1994 European elections
  • Period: to

    Référendums locaux en France

    Saint-Denis, Le Blanc-Mesnil, Bondy, Stains, La Courneuve, Aubervilliers.... plusieurs villes organisent des référendums d'initiative locale sur le droit de vote et d'éligibilité des résidents étrangers, auxquels ces derniers participent.
  • Rejected from constitutionnal reform

    Rejected from constitutionnal reform
    Several constitutionnal amendments to the consitutionnal revision of 2008 concerning immigrant's right to vote are rejected. sont rejetés.
  • Communal vote: law proposal

    Communal vote: law proposal
    Jean-Marc Ayrault, president of the Socialist group at the French National Assembly, suggest a law in favor of the immigrant's right to vote.
  • Petition against the right to vote

    Petition against the right to vote
    The "droite populaire" movement makes a petition against the law proposal of the socialist party
  • Immigrant's right to vote at the Senate

    Immigrant's right to vote at the Senate
    The french Senate vote (173 againt 166) a law proposal in favor of the immigrant right to vote.
    Réaction de François Fillon
    Dans une Tribune, Martine Aubry défend le droit de vote