
Immigrant-Patrick Doherty

  • Birth

    I was born on November 14 1901. Life as a child was very tough. I had to work day to night helping my families farm. I did many things working, from cleaning the animals feces, to feeding. As I got older, I had less work because I was going to school more and had friends I'd hang out with. I moved to America in search for a beeter life. Many people I knew were also traveling to America. I wrote this autobiography because I wanted it to have an impact on someone someday.
  • Period: to


  • The Trip

    The Trip
    I first came to Ellis Island from Ireland. When I came, I was in a very crowded space where they're were people everywhere. You had to go from station to station to get examined. I faced a lot of racism but it was only in words. I also started searching for a job, finding one at a steel working plant in Pittsburgh.
  • Housing

    I earned enough money to rent a small apartment in a dirty slum housing a couple blocks from my steel wokring job. Where we lived, it was extremely crowded and dirty but it was better then facing the oncoming winter. I also picked up another job as a farmer's assistant.
  • Love

    I got a girlfriend who moved into my apartment with me. She got a job working in the clohth making industry. She made low money but atleast she had a job. With all our jobs, the income was fair.
  • New job

    New job
    I quit my job as a farmer's assistant because I got a new job in a glass working business. It payed more and it was closer. I loved working in the glass working. No one saw me as a immigrant, they saw me as a person. They were friendly and helpful.
  • Marriage

    I got married May 12, 1921. It took awhile for us to find a Catholic Preist that would marry us. The wedding was small, we couldn't afford a big wedding. We just had some friends come.
  • Children

    I had my first child. I had twins, 2 boys. There names are Kevin Doherty and James Doherty. There healthy and happy. My wife is also fine and healthy.
  • Third Child

    I had another child on May 27th 1927. His name is Collin. He is a healthy baby but caught a small sickness through the slum conditions but it eventually went away and the baby was fine.
  • Moving

    We moved out of the slums, and moved into a small, nicer and cleaner apartment. We had the money to rent, so we did. The kids loved it, and we could feel both mentally and physically healthier.
  • Wife's Death

    My wife died on February 21, 1945. She died from old age and it was expected. She was getting extremely tired and weak, but the docotrs couldn't do anything.
  • Death

    (Died from age, no sudden/suffer in death)