Scotland flag

Immigrant B (Scotland)

  • Birth

    I am very young and I am born in Scotland. I want to come to America because there is some difficultly with the heath in my country. My family has been in poverty for quite sometime. I wanted to change that by coming to America. My family does not really care if we are losing money. They are trying to figure a better way to life. So they thought that it would be good to send there kids to America.
  • The famine

    The famine
    This is the deasese that spread all over Scotland. This is one of the reason why we had to leave because everyone around us was dieing,and we didn't want to get sick. If my family got sick we would have the money to go to a hospital. So therefore thats why we need to get money and make sure my parent get to America as soon as posiable.
  • Sending my Parents

    Sending my Parents
    I want to send my parents because I know that I am going to send then so that my sister will not be alone. I want to make sure that My little sister won't be alone when i pass. This is important to the immigrants because we need to make sure that our families still life on.
  • Work on Railroads

    Work on Railroads
    Working on the railroads is hard for me because I am not that strong. I am 18 at the time and since I was so poor I never had the time to worry about anything else besides getting food. It was hard but it is what I had to do in order to suceed makeing sure that i could support my family.
  • Poverty with Family

    Poverty with Family
    I am in big trouble with the way that I live. I always want to help my famil ygrow because it is just my brothers and I. I sometimes wonder if it is going to get any better for my family. I try to be as good as i can because the reasoin why I came here was so that I can have a better life with my brothers but without a job I don't know what to do.
  • The Fire

    The Fire
    As me working and trying to freed my family. (sisters and brothers) we had ot find somewhere to stay. It was just a ratty old building that no one seems to use anymore. I thought it was a good thing to use. It was better to get a shelter when you dont have to pay for it. Well it was somewhat of a warm day. There was a fire next to our house and it spread and when that happened in the fire was my brother was trapoped and we could get him he has passed.
  • Desease has Spread

    Desease has Spread
    I have gotten so I thought just the flu. I don't know what i twould be besides that. I was working on the site on the railroad then I didn't really feel any different. After a couple of hours I started to have pain in my stomach. I know that I have a deasease and sometimes I get nerves. I know I dont have alot of time to life. But I have to make the time that I have here usefull.