
Immigrant A: Mace` Ade

  • Birth Date

    Birth Date
    Hi my name is Mace` Ade. I was born on April 16,1860 in the famous town Paris, France. I was born to Mace` and Perry Ade. I was an only child so life was kind of lonely. However, I had a huge extended family in Paris so I would vistit my cousins a lot. We were all very close to each other. I went to a small local school just down the street from my house. There were barely any people there, but I was the smartest one there. I also had a horse that I would ride everyday, we were best friends.
  • Recieving the letter

    Recieving the letter
    As a child I grew up with many cousins. One of whome that I was very close to made the decision about two years ago to go to America in saerch of more job opportunities. I always wondered how her life made out. One cold day however, I got to fnd out. We recieved a letter from her saying her life was going great, and she had a wonderful well paying job aat a clothing factory, and she invited me to stay with her. I thought that sounded wonderful so I made the bold decision to move to America.
  • Journey to Ellis Island

    Journey to Ellis Island
    When I told my parents about moving to America they did not aprove and I was forced to stay home. However, after about 7 very long years of waiting they finally agreed to let me go. I packed up all my things and started my journey. The boat ride across the Atlantic Ocean took about 40 days. There were tons of people packed into the biggest boats I had ever seen. It was hot and crouded, but full of excitement and hopefullness for what was coming in the future. I couldn't wait to get to America.
  • Ariving in America

    Ariving in America
    We arived in America after about 40 days on March 17, 1890. I was so happy I couldn't contain myself. I was barely off the boat and new that it would be a while till I actually got settled down here, but nothing could wipe away my smile. The check in took 3-4 hours. First, I was inspected for any visual health issues. Then, they asked me many questions. Finally, the set me free to go anywhere and do anything. I would head to my cousin's house. I could finally feel my life starting to begin.
  • Getting a Job

    Getting a Job
    I reached my cousins house about a week later. She was so happy to see me, and I got to meet some frieds she had already made. It took a couple weeks until I finally found a job on April 8, 1890. I got a job in a garment factor near where my cousi worked. I worked 8 hours a day. However work was dangerous because of all the big machines, My boss was a very nice woman. I was payed less than the Americans but still more than in Paris. My wonderfull life in America was beging.
  • Finally Settling Down

    Finally Settling Down
    I worked at that factory for about 8 years. I got to know one of my cousin's friends John very well, and we eventually got married on April 25, 1897. Two years after that we had our first son. I also started my own clothing shop in the town e lived in. About 3 years after I moved here, the rest of my family from Paris moved down. We all now live in New York City. I love my new life in America.