Angel island baby

Immigrant "A"

  • Birth and some Backstory.

    My name is Tony Demir and I was born in the Si Thep District in Thailand. It was small, but it had a lot of shops, and a lot of people. And most if not all the people lived in tiny houses. We were all poor. It explains all the shops. However, all the people who had the shops couldn't get rid of anything.
  • Coming to America

    I awoke to having the sun right in my face. Kind of a rude awakening, but I was glad to finally be here. I hope the process is easier than the boat ride. The boat was terrible. I thought Thailand was bad. This was awful.
  • Finally got through Angel Island

    After 20 days of standing around, doing nothing, I am finally a legal American Citizen! I can't wait to be able to live in a real house like everyone else! This place will be so much better than Thailand. Although, I will miss the busy streets of my old home. I hope to accomplish more in America.
  • First Day

    My search for a job has brought me to a shoe factory. My co-workers aren't too nice to me, but I can't do anything about it. The pay isn't good, but I'll manage. My boss is kind of a snob. But who can I complain to about that? I hope my the rest of my family have found jobs.