

  • Born in Carlow Ireland

    Born in Carlow Ireland
    In Carlow Ireland, my parents were not around much so at age 10 I got mixed up with some rough friends that were not the best for me. They lead me into crimes that I knew were wrong, but I was having fun. At age 12, I ran away from home to devote my whole life to crime. Eventually our crimes caught up with us and the police found us, but I got away. Even though I escaped once I was sure I couldn’t do it again so I bought a ticket with the little money I had and moved to America.
  • On the Boat

    On the Boat
    Today was one of many days I spent in the close quarters of the steerage (a place below the deck). I’m down here in these hot smelly rooms because the tickets were cheap. I resisted seasickness however; many of my fellow passengers turned green and vomited. On the deck we had a party. We couldn’t help it when the captain said that in a few days we will arrive in America. I was happy to see the new land, yet wondering if I would be caught.
  • Arrived!

    I arrived at the immigrant station today where I will be processed along with many others to become American citizens. Once I get to the desk I will be interviewed and, if I pass, will be on my way to becoming a citizen. I heard however that they check your back round. This worries me (mine isn’t the best), but I managed to get a fake ID before I left Carlow so I should make it through. The station is very crowded and everyone is eager to get in, I am a couple steps away from becoming a citizen!
  • In the City

    In the City
    The past few days I have been living on the street. I don’t have a job and next to no money. In Carlow I was used to living on the street but this being a new land I thought I would rather have a house. However I cannot find anything so I have been managing by stealing a few things here and there just enough to get by. I have been wondering what to do. I have heard that the railroad offers options but I would rather have a closer and more stationary job. I will probably lok into a mining job.
  • A miner

    A miner
    Over the past month many things happened. I got a job at the mines because it looked like a good job on the outside. However my first day I saw the real conditions. I faced many dangers throughout the day and one man actually got killed. I also saw many children working which shocked me. How could the owners stoop low enough to work such small kids? I stayed with the job because it gave me money. I also feel I need to do something about the terrible conditions.
  • My House

    My House
    My house is not much better than my job. Since my job does not offer me much money I could only afford to live in the Slums. In the slums I live in a small apartment with many other guys. We get in fights a lot, and the toughest on gets the food and the best bed. The sanitation is terrible and the whole area smells like bodily waste. I didn't know if I will live, and I do not know were my next meal is. I often wonder if I would have been better off in a jail in Ireland.
  • The Molly Maguires

    The Molly Maguires
    I am now a member of the Molly Maguires. With the Molly Maguires we use terror, intimidation and murder to get better working conditions. I’ve been told that our organization is called a Labor Union. We have regular meetings where we decide the best ways to get people to change the miners working conditions. I have participated in murdering my old boss at the mine and have also helped out with threatening run-ins with the heads of the mines. We are all trying to improve the mines.
  • Capture

    I have been with the Molly Maguires for 5 years now and I personally managed to stay clear of the police however recently more and more valuable men have been caught and locked up. Once I was almost caught but I got rid of my fake ID and went with my original name and just managed to escape. I fear that the law is getting wise to our operation and a spy is suspected to be among us. I may not stay away from the cops for long anymore and my time with the Mollys is probably done.