
  • My Birth

    My Birth
    Born in the South part of Africa and when the age of 19 moved down to Brooklyn, New York to educate my children and find a better enviroment to live.
  • New York Subway Open

    New York Subway Open
    Second month living in New York, things are not easy specailly traveling to far places. I do not have enough money to buy or rent a car so and its been getting hard to move around since by job is not close to where I live. I take 5 five different kinds on taxi cabs before I get to just one out of my three jobs.Tommrrow they open the subway. The subway can now take me and my husband to work faster and the cost is 5 times less then what I had to pay for the taxi rides.
  • Black Women Get the Right to Vote

    Black Women Get the Right to Vote
    It's been getting better my children have learned new things and have a better opputunity to be what they want to be. I have just one problem women aren't allowed to vote around here. I want to be able to speak of what I belive in and what I do not believe in. Word going around saying that theres a group helping women get the right to vote. Date is August 26, 1920 and Woemn are now allowed to vote. Thought this day would never come time for women to stand up and show men we know what we doing.
  • Microwave Oven is Invented

    Microwave Oven is Invented
    Keeping food warm around here anit been easy. Everyday I got to make a little fire pit and cook over it. Its hard finding wood in the City and the matches are so expensive and if we keep on using the matches we wont have no more money. Yestersay I found out that they have made microwave oven that make food faster and keeps them warm longer. Check coming to tommrow so I'll have to wait about 4 more weeks to be myself one.
  • South Africans Forced to wear ID's

    South Africans Forced to wear ID's
    We wearning ID cards now. Cant go no where without them. I dont know why they treating us so different. Children now grown with children of their own and they got them wearing ID cards to. Dont now what going to with the world today but its going to be fixed I have no doubt about that.
  • Lie Detector Invented

    Lie Detector Invented
    Streets be filled with gun shots and you cant sleep at night. People be killing other people and things in the city be crazy. People be lying too. Police dont known who be lying and who be telling the truth. They came but with this lie dectector you get a series of questions and in the end they can tell if you been lying or telling the truth.