
Immgrant Timeline Project

  • Birth of Polly Iwa

    Birth of Polly Iwa
    Born and raised in Krakow Poland into a very rich and large family however i was the different one and my parents sent me off the America at age 16.
  • In the City

    In the City
    On my way over I was wlaking through the city trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life, The city went on lock down becuase of the assassination of President McKinely.
  • Football Game with buddies

    Football Game with buddies
    The co-workers and myself all used our day off to expirence the first Rosebowl Football game.
  • The word about the MLB

    The word about the MLB
    I had heard about the first major league world series baseball game between Pittisburg and Boston with Pittsburg for the win.
  • The first fligt

    The first fligt
    The boss came out to the barn exclaimint about the fist flight.
  • The election

    The election
    My boss came into breakfast praising about the election becauseTheodore Rosevelt came on top to lead the country
  • Earthquake in the City

    Earthquake in the City
    I was just outside of the citry of San ransico when I got hit by the earhtquake and I saw and heard choas everywher.
  • Changes on the Land

    Changes on the Land
    The Pure Food and Drug act and the Meat act was passed and the boss told us someways we had to change the way we were raising the cattle for meat proovetien.