Period: to
Imagration and Westward
California Gold Rush
There were rumors of all these exotic metals in the west that everybody was taking about even in China so people were thinking about immagrating to America. After all these rumors come around I decide it's finally time to test my luck. There were lots of different precious metals but the one most people were interested in was golld. Even though I knew that most prospecters had failed I was willing to give it a shot -
Taiping Rebelion 1850
The Taiping Rebellion was a widespread civil war in southern China from 1850 to 1864, against the ruling Manchu led Qing Dynasty. Under the Quing-Dynasty China had already suffered from economic problems, droughts, and the defeats at the hands of western powers -
Going to America
Going to America was a very tough decision for me because it ment that I had to leave behind my family's. Even though there were tears I held my head up high and told my family that after I become a rich prospecter we can all happilly live in America. -
Ellis Island
After the 2 month long wait inside this horrible sea vessil we fiinally were aproching Ellis Island. I couldn't technically see Ellis Islannd or anything else for the matter because I was at the bottom with sterige. However I could hear all of these screams of the Statue of Liberty! -
Go for the California Gold Rush
Finally I have arrived in the U.S. and I realize I have another problem and that is how to the West. I finally figure out my answer and that is to go along with all these minners who've brought all this equipment and stuff so I just hitch a ride with them. On the road there was some problems like sometimes the wagons would brake so we all would wait a few hours so that they could be fixed. Another problem was the food shortages because these guy's didn't come perpared. -
I have failed to strike rich
Eventually after minning for so long things just weren't adding up because I just wasn't turning up enough prophet infact I wasn't turning up any prophet. Looking at how these brutal situations were going I decided to quit while I still ahead. Since the food costed to much I realized if I didn't earn any prohet I would starve or worse. -
I become a famous boxer
I realize that I am living a pretty crudy life right about now and if don't turn things around I'm done. Then one day I walk into this club and realize there is a boxing thing going around. Having nothing to lose I go into the ring and fight and what do you know I beat the tar out of my oppenent. Then a man comes up and offeres me a carrer in boxing. Being a poor man I except and he becomes my political boss. -
I lose a boxing match
I am up against this one Italin boxing guy and my political boss is all like this guy is Italin so spill his blood so I start to get a bit nervous. The next thing I see is this big 400 pound guy that I'm supposed to fight. I get beaten up so badly and I'm bleading all over. The next thing I know is that I'm on the streets cold on my back very misserable. -
Experienced the worst winter ever
Ever since I've lost my boxing match everybody pretty much hates me. I keep going and going but nobody wants to imploy this Chinese so I make the most of life. I am forced to live in abandoned sheeds and eat out of garbage cans for quite a while. -
My new job at a factory
After my horrible winter I come along this factory and and find myself some imploment. Even though the pay is $2.50 a month I think that I can live on that. But the job itself is pretty nasty and that is plucking chickens. -
Purchase a small cottage
After working in the factory for some time I have finally saved up enough money to buy a small cottage with some decent land. So I dump the spartment and go to the cottage however I still work at my factory. -
Promoted in the factory busniess
After I have been working in the factory busniess for so long my bosses have finally promoted me to vice president of the company and my pay has increased from $2.50 a month to $320.00 a month. -
Living the good life
Now that I am the vice-president I now own a mansion with horses wagons and everything to my hearts content. I am now one of the richest men in town. I am now thinking about inviting my family to come and live with me. -
Chinese Exclusion Act
In 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act was a climax to more than thirty years of progressive racism. Anti-Chinese sentiment had existed ever since the great migration from China during the gold rush. White minners were very sick of us Chinnese. Infact I had to stay mostly indoors thanks to this.