My name is Dayze Ballard, I originate in Ireland. Possesions to bring to America include, my brother with money, and work experience. I am coming to America for land, trade, and work with more pay. -
Push Pull Factors for Reasons of Coming to America
A push factor for coming to America is the fields of Ireland I live in don't have very much money or land. One pull factor is my brother has money hand unique items he can trade. -
Moving West for More Oppurtunities
One push was our job still not paid enough. One pull was new jobs with higher pay until we had enough money to buy a home with land. -
People in West Associated With
We found supporters in the west who could help us with about the same amount of profits we had. But they could also help us maintain it. One problem was my brother lost his job. -
Brother Death
My brother died of working too hard and long and now I am in this new house alone, miserable. Now I am only spending our remaining money on useful things and am thinking about going back home, -
3 Experiences in America
Unique items were stolen from us. We found land to settle safely, my brother and I also found a home and jobs.