Potato Famine
The cause of the potato famine was an air born fungus called potato blight.
The effect of the of the fungus was it wiped out all the potatoes and there was no food to eat.
Another cause of the potato famine was it killed a million people due to starvation.
The fungus wiped out all the potatoes and it it killed a lot of people including my family. -
Immagrating to America
My family died to the potato famine and I wouldn’t have lasted that long either so I decided to immigrate to America from Ireland. I got on the boat with an extra pair of clothes, my mother’s silver necklace, and enough money for the boat ride and to stay at a place for two weeks. -
The trip to America
I made it to America the boat ride was good, a little packed though, and I had the best food I have ever had. It was a good experience for me as a new immigrant met some people and had some good food. -
Life in America
I was heading back to the hotel one night when the streets were silent and dark, I had just watched a fight at the pub when three men jumped me and took my bag, which had my mother’s silver necklace. Fighting and watching fights in the bar. Worked as a bartender as well to get enough money to scratch by. Hotel was terrible and lots of drunks in hotel. America wasn’t as I had expected, it was rough tiring, and too busy for me. -
Moving West
When I went west I for two good horses and carriage and won the land in the race for it. The land I got was great land and already planted on it. While racing for land I lost my supplies in my wagon because they fell out when I was hauling.
America is better in the west, calmer, more settle and entertaining. I also am making it out better, I got great land. -
Home in the West
The land is great I settled down and planted, as well as I built a house.The land is fantastic and already planted.