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  • begaining of Juan Cha Yung

    begaining of Juan Cha Yung
    hi my name is Juan Cha Yung i am from Kimchaek, Korea i was born 19-7-1818. i have 4 brothers and 2 sisters at the age of 5 my mama an papa died. life is hard for us right now know madder where we go we keep geting treated unfairly. one day my little sister myu died on that day i knew i would have to find some place safer to raise my brothers and sister. i day i decided to pack everyone up and head up to america.
  • the begaining of Juilo Von Dieris

    the begaining of Juilo Von Dieris
    hi my name is juilo von dieris i was born july-24-120 in Lugo, Spain. life is hard here with my 2 bothers and I. we'd have to smuggle food to surivie. i lost my mother at the age of 7 because of the fillth we lived in. As i turn 31 my borthers and i decided to move to america to start our new lives. we hoped that we would atleast grain a home and a new waay of life.
  • the new begain "Angel Island"

    the new begain "Angel Island"
    As we made our stop at angel Island we were nervous. We didnt know if they would sent us back because of our stench or clothes. My brothers and sister hid behind me with a cowering looking in their eyes. 3 hours passed by and we were realived that we pass. now we're onour way to Ramond, California to start our new begaining.
  • the new start "Ellis Island"

    the new start "Ellis Island"
    as we approached ellis island my brothers were excited.they've never seen a building that big before. 3 hours went by then we were off into new york city. they put us in a shelter to help us get on our feet. even though new york city had a parcular sent in the air we were free.
  • Coal mine

    Coal mine
    being a coal miner is a dangerous job. Us miners face a constant risk of explosion due to the methane gas produced inside coal mines. The most dangerous situation is when the methane released in a coal mine begins to accumulate and combines with oxygen in the air to become highly explosive. Anytime we work underground, the risk of being trapped in a collapse or cave-in of some kind is always present. An earthquake could conceivably collapse even the sturdiest mine on us workers.
  • First day on the job "Construction"

    First day on the job "Construction"
    the stature of liberty was designed by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi and dedicated on October 28, 1886, was a gift to the United States from the people of France. during contruction of the stature was deadly one little step in the wrong direction you died.the staure was 305ft sky high.