Oklahoma land rush 1889

Imigration and westward expansion

  • Period: to

    Immigration and Westward Expansion

  • Decision to go to America

    Decision to go to America
    My name is Amelia Harding. I live in London and want to go to America. Here in London there is no freedom. I can not practice my religon or go to my church. I am forced to attend a different church. I want to go to america to settle down and get land to farm on. I will be able to practice my religon without judgement when i am there. My mother does not want me to go to America.
  • Unfair treatment in Britain

    Unfair treatment in Britain
    In two days i leave for America but today, I had to attend the local church. What they practice is not my religon and I chose not to go. My mother was very stern with me and I proceeded to tell her that is one reason why I am going to America. If i go to America i can be free. When i go to America my mother will be very angry.
  • Going to America

    Going to America
    Today i left for America. I ran away and did not tell anyone where i was going. The only posessions I took were a change of clothes and my father watch to sell for money. Running way will result in happiness with hardships for me. I know my mother will be distraut to find me gone. I will miss her terribly but i know that going to america is what i need to do.
  • Arrive in America

    Arrive in America
    Today our boat arrived in Ellis island New York. There were many procedures that we went through and it is going to take many days to finally get into America. I have met some people that are coming here for the same reason I am and have offered to let me staty with them after Ellis Island.
  • Getting land

    Getting land
    Today we started off to the west to claim our land. I have grown to be quite fond of the family i have been staying with. They are very kind. We heard reasently about the Homestead act and have desided to go take the deal.
  • Settleing in the west

    Settleing in the west
    When settling in the west we have faced many hard ship. As we traveled to the west many sicknesses spread around the wagons and many died inclding one of the boys in my wagon. I have now claimed land and farming on my land that is now called Oklahoma.