The day of my Brith
Today on this day I was born. I was born in a small village outside of a large town. I was a rice picker. The work was very hard and paid about average but I had to do it for my family. I hoped to one day go over to the U.S. for better work. -
Entering Angel Island
As I entered Angel Island I felt some sense of relief that I knew that this would be a better life than the one a used to have back in my small village in japan -
Going Though Angel Island
Going through the immigration station was very. Letβs just say adventures. We had to take off most of our clothes for examination. They thought we would bring in some disease to the U.S. brought by japan or our native home land. It took almost a day to get through it all. However in the end it was well worth it. This is our new life and a new start to make better money. -
New Home and New Work in Chnia Town
Our new home is lovely. It is smaller than the one we had before we left japan. Though not the same style it works very well. We had not a lot of light at all. It is usually very dark because we chose not to pay for electricity to save money. We have stumbled around a lot before though. I have gashed my foot 3 times now on cast iron furniture. I work in a consturction site building skyscrapers. it is very dangeous but it must be done. -
About a Year in the U.S.
The U.S. is a very strange and scary place compared to our little village in japan. I am glad we live in china town for the reason that they speak the native language of japan. We still try to learn English and teach our sons but still have the hold on the Japanese language. My job on the construction site has gotten better with a pay increase and promotion. I now draw about blue print to build the massive buildings that keep me and my family under a roof. -
The U.S. in One Big Picture
In the town that I live in has embraced the Chinese Japanese culture by many numbers. We now have most of the town speak in English but we still know the Japanese and Chinese language to never forget the culture and where we came from to the land of greatness. However the Chinese and Japanese are not the most loved in the U.S. we sometimes get mugged and also hurt at night. I now protect my family but setting times when they can go out and be on the streets and when to stay in our home and be sa