Austrailapithacus Afrensis
This hominid appeared 3.8 million years ago,
Homo habilis was known as “Handy Man.” They lived about 1.5 to 2 million years ago in Africa. Some of their physical traits are, they had larger brains, and looked more human than Lucy. For tools, they used rocks for chopping, sharp stones for cutting, and bones for digging. They were capable of walking on 2 feet, lived in groups, used tools to hunt, and maybe even made traps. -
Period: to
Illustrated timeline of Early Humans
Homo habilis
Homo habilis was known as “Handy Man.” They lived about 1.5 to 2 million years ago in Africa. Some of their physical traits are, they had larger brains, and looked more human than Lucy. For tools, they used rocks for chopping, sharp stones for cutting, and bones for digging. They were capable of walking on 2 feet, lived in groups, used tools to hunt, and maybe even made traps. -
Period: to
Illustrated Timeline of Early Humans
Homo erectus
Homo erectus, otherwise known as “Upright Man” lived 1.8 million to 200,000 B.C. Homo erectus lived in Asia. Some of its physical traits are stick-out jaw, stood up straight, taller and thinner, stronger bones, and round, smooth fore-head. Some of their tools hand axes of stone, and fire. They were capable of building shelters, cooking, and they were good walkers and runners. -
Homo sapien neanderthalensis
Homo sapiens neandrethalensis was also known as “Wise Man,” lived about 100,000 B.C. They lived in Asia, Africa, Neander Valley, Germany, and Europe. They had thick bones, brow ridge, much stronger, and larger brains. They had over 60 types of tools, including, knives and spears. They were capable of hunting in organized groups, they were the first to burry their dead, and had doctors, for healing. -
Homo sapien sapien
Homo sapien sapiens, otherwise known as “Doubly Wise Men,” lived 3,500-12,000 B.C. in Africa. Some physical traits are, they have high, rounded skulls, large brains, small teeth, and slender bones. For tools, they have stone blades for engraving and sculpting, needles for sewing, and shelters of Earth and stone. They are capable of having better tools, better shelters, and better clothing for survival.