Australopithicus afarensis (southern ape)
lucy lived 3-4 million years ago. she was found found in Africa near the Afar Triangle. she is 3 ft. tall, mix of human and ape. she had long arms, large head, and forehead. Also, her jaw stuck out. No tools have been found. the people who lived during this time period were able to caarry items and walk at the same time. they also used hands for defence. -
Period: to
Illustrated timeline of early humans
homo habilis ( handy man)
The homo habilis lived 1.5 - 2 million years ago. they lived in africa. They are a mix of ape and human, walked on two feet, taller than lucy, and brain size is 2X as big. They were the first to use tools. the used rocks as chopping tools and animals bones as digging sticks. They lived in groups and had longer life spans. -
Homo errectus "upright men"
this group of early humans lived 1.8 million years ago - 200,000 BC. they lived in Java, a island in Asia, Europe. Homo habilis were taller and thinner, some are more than 5 ft tall, strong bones, round and smooth forehead, thinker skull and a jaw sticking out. These people used stone hand axes, and used fire. this hominid was the first to migrate out of africa. They were good walkers and runners, they used fire to cook, hunted well so they ate more meat, and they built huts and used animal skin -
Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis "wise men neanderthal"
this specie of human lived 230,00 - 300,000 years. they were found in the Neander Valley, Germany. these early people had thick bones, a shorter brow ridge, stockier but stronger than modern humans, and they had large brains. the neanderthals made more than 60 types of knives, scrapers, and spear points. they were the first to hunt as a group, first to burry their dead, and lived with modern humans for about 10,000 years. -
homo sapiens sapiens "doubly wise men"
these humans lived 30,000 - 12,000 bc. These people originated in Africa, but migrated around the world. they had high, rounded skulls, large brains, small teeth, and slender bones. they attached blades to other tools, they made tools for engraving, built huts out of slope, they put hooks on spears, made the attle-attle, and the bow and arrow. this species of humans could hunt from a distance, there were cave painters, carved things out of clay, painted to express themselves,and complex language