Australopithecus Aferensis {Southern Ape}
Lucy lived to 3-4 million years ago; She lived in Africa, near the afar triangle.. Shse was 3 feet tall ape and huuman like longer arms then legs large forhead and head and the jaw sticks out. No tools have been found. Her capabilities that she could carry items while walking on two feet and she can use her hands for defense. -
Period: to
Illustrated Timline of Early Humans
Homo Habillis {Handy Man}
They lived 1.5-2 million years ago. Their location was Africa. They were a mix of ape and human; they walked on two feet; taller the Lucy-about 4 ft. tall; their brain was 2 times the brain of Lucys. The tools they used rocks which were chopping tools, sharp peices of stone for cutting, and bones as digging sticks. Teir capabilities were 1st to make tools, 1st to live in groups, and they had longer lifespan. -
Homo Erectus {Upright Men}
Lived 1.8 million years ago in Java, an island between Asia and Europe. They were taller and thinner than the others; some were over 5ft. tall;They had strong bonesand a round smooth forhead with a brow ridge; They had a thicker skull than the others and their jaw sticks out. The tools they used were stone hand axes and fire. Their capabilities were that they were the 1st to migrate out of Africa; they were good walkers and runners, cooked with fire and ate more meat.They built huts and used an -
Homo Sapiens Nenderthalensis {Wise Man}
They lived 230,000 to 30,000 years ago. There location was Germany, Neander valley. They had a brow ridge, there jaw stuck out, they had thick bones, shorter and stalkier, but stranger than modern humans, and they had a large brain. They made more 60 types of knives, scrapers, and spear points. They were the first to hunt as a group, first to bury their dead, and they lived with modern humans for about 10,000 years. -
Homo Sapiens Sapiens {Doubly Wise Man}
They lived about 35,000 to 12,000 BC. They lived in Africa but migrated around the world. They had high rounded skulls, large brains, samll teeth, and smaller bones. They attached blades to other tools, tools for engraving, and sculpting, created needles, built out of stone and earth, hooks, spears, Atl Atl, and bows and arrows. They hunted from a distance, cave painters, carved out of clay, bone, ivory, painted to express themselves, used picks to teach, complex language.