2.5 million bce
- Emergence of Homo sapiens in eastern Africa
1.25 million b.c.e
- Emergence of homo erectus, an upright, tool-using human 600,000 Wide spread of human species across Asia, Europe, Africa; control of fire
1200 b.c.e.
- 1200-700 Sacred Vedas composed
- 1000-600 Epic Age: Mahabharata, Ramayana, and Upanishads composed
- 1200-700 Sacred Vedas composed
10,000 b.c.e.
- Domestication of sheep, pigs, goats, cattle. Neolithic Age; development of farming in Middle East
8000 b.c.e.
- First town at Jericho
6000 b.c.e
- Beans domesticated in Western Hemisphere
5000 b.c.e
- Domestication of maize (corn)
- Yangshoa culture in north China
5000 b.c.e.
- 5000 Early Japanese Settlement
2000 b.c.e.
- 1850 Origins of Shang kingdom in China.
- 1800 Formation of Babylonian Empire in Middle East.
- 1700-1300 Rise of village culture in Mesoamerica.
- 1600 Beginning of Indo-European invasions of India and parts of the Mediterranean and Middle East. 1600 Spread of civilization to Crete (Minoan) 1250 Moses and Jewish exodus from Egypt (according to Jewish beliefs)
2000 b.c.e.
- 1700 Indo European invasions of Greek peninsula
- 1400 Kingdom of Mycenae; Trojan War
1200 b.c.e.
- 1029-258 Zhou dynasty; introduction of a standard spoken language
- 551-478 Life of Confucius
1000 b.c.e.
- 2000 Germans settle in Denmark
- 1200-700 Vedas composed
- 1500-500 Polynesian migrations
- 1122-770 Initial Zhou kingdom
1000 b.c.e.
- 1000 Germans expand southward
- 900 Maya begins
- 850-250 Chavin culture (Andes)
- 800 Rise of Greek city-states
- 800 b.c.e.-1000 c.e. Bantu migration, sub-Saharan Africa 770-403 Later Zhou kingdom; beginning of China's classical period
1000 b.c.e.
- 800-600 Rise of Greek city-states; Athens and Sparta become dominant
- c.700 Homerian epics Illiad, Odyssey; flowering of Greek archicture
- 550 Cyrus the Great forms Persian Empire
- 509 Beginnings of Roman Republic
1000 b.c.e.
- c. 1000Polynesians reach Fiji, Samoa
- 1000 Independent kingdom of Kush
- 800-400 Spread of Olmec civilization: cultivation of maize (corn), potatoes; domestication of turkeys, dogs
- c. 300 Rise of Axum
750 b.c.e
- 750-600 Meroe (Kush) rules Egypt
- 600 Zoroastrian religion in Iran
- 600 Legendary ruler in Japan
- 551-c. 233 Periods of the great chinese philosophers; Confucius, Laozi, Mencius, Legalists 550 Formation of Persian Empire C. 542-483 Buddha
750 b.c.e.
- 700-c. 550 Era of unrivaled brahman dominance
- 564-483 Life of the Buddha
500 b.c.e.
- 500-449 Greek wars with Persian; Persia defeated
- 500-450 Beginning of Roman republic
- 470-430 Hieght of Athenian culture; Socrates and Greek philisophical style.
- 431 ff. Peloponnesian Wars; decline of Greece
- 330 Alexander the Great 327-325 Alexander's invasion 322-185 Mauryan Empire 300-100 Hellenistic Period 300 b.c.e.-900 c.e. Hieght of Maya 264-140 Roman expansion in North Africa (Punic wars) and eastern Mediterranean
500 b.c.e.
- c. 500 Laoi and Daoism
- c. 500 Editing of five classics
- c. 450 Development of Chinese calender
- 402-201 Era of the Warring States
500 b.c.e.
- 327-325 Alexander the Great invades India
- 322-298 Changdragupta Maurya rules
- 269-232 Reign of Ashoka
500 b.c.e.
- 470-430 Athens at its hight: Pericles, Phidias, Sophocles, Socrates
- 450 Twelve Tables of Law
- 431-404 Peloponnesian Wars
- 359-339 Philip II of Macedonia
- 338-323 Macedonian Empire, Alexander the Great
- 300-100 Hellenistic period
- 264-146 Punic Wars
250 b.c.e.
- 221 Shi Huangdi proclaimed first emperor of China
- 202 b.c.e.-9 c.e. Initial Han dynasty; key technical developments of horse collar and water mill
- 200 b.c.e.-200 c.e. Greater Buddhist influence
- 133 ff. Decline of Roman republic
- 100 Germans begin contacts with Rome; Slavs migrate into eastern Europe
250 b.c.e.
- 200 b.c.e.-200 c.e. Period of greatest Buddhist influence
250 b.c.e.
- 49 Julius Caesar becomes dictator in Rome; assassinated in 44
- 27 Augustus Caesar seizes power; rise of Roman Empire
- c. 4 Birth of Jesus
1 c.e.
- 23-220 Later Hans dynasty; invntion of paper and compass
- 27 Augustus founds Roman Empire
- 30 Crucifion of Jesus
- 88 Beginning of Hans decline.
- 106 Hieght of Roman territory
- 180 Beginning of decline of Rome
- 200-500 Nasca culture (Andes)
- 200-1300 Aasazi in North America
- 220 Last Han emperor deposed
1 c.e.
- 319 Gupta Empire founded; one of the world's first universities established
- 535 Gupta Empire overturned by the Huns
1 c.e.
- c. 30 Crucifixion of Jesus
- 63 Forced dissolution of independent Jewish state by Romans
- Greatest spread of Roman territory
- 180 Death of Marcus Aurelius; beginning of decline of Roman Empire
1 c.e.
- c. 30 Crucifixion of Jesus
- c. 100 Root crops introduced to southern Afria through trade
- 100 Beginning of decline of Hans Dynasty
- 180 Rome begins to decline
- c. 200 Extensive agriculture practiced in Japan
- 227 Beginning of Sassbud Empire in Persia
250 c.e.
- 300 Decline of Meroe
- 300 Spread of Buddhism
- 300-400 Yamato claim imperial control of Japan
- 300-700 Rise of Axum; conversion to Christianity
- 300-900 Intermediate Horizon period (Andes)
- 300-1000 Second wave of Polynesian migrations to Hawaii
- 312-337 Constantine; formation of Eastern Empire; adoption of Christianity.
- 319-540 Gupta Empire
- 400 Chinese script imported
- 401 ff. Large-scale Germanic invasions in Roman Empire
250 c.e.
- 221-202 Qin dynasty; the First Emperor, the Great Wall begun, a single basic language
- 202 b.c.e.-220 c.e. Han dynasty
- c. 200 Introduction of ox-drawn plow, horse collar, water mill
- 141-87 Reign of Han Wu Ti, Increased bureaucracy, spread of Confucianism
250 c.e.
- 313 Constantine adopts Christianity
- 476 Fall of Rome
250 c.e.
- 284-305 Reign of Diocletian
- c. 300 Ethiopia adopts Christianity
- c. 312-337 Reign of Constantine
- 370-480 Nomadic invasion of western Europe
- c. 400 Growth of Mayan civilization
- c. 400 polynesians reach Hawaii
- 450 Huns begin to invade India
- 476 Collapse of Rome
150,000 b.c.e
- Homo sapiens sapiens, which displaces other human species
30,000 b.c.e.
- Passage of first people to Americas 15,000-12,000 Domesticated dogs
4000 b.c.e.
- Development of writing, bronze metal working, wheel, plow in Middle East
- 3100-1800 Sumerians civilization
- 3100-1087 Founding and flowering of Egyptian civilization
- 2500-1500 Indus civilization in south Asia
500 c.e.
- 451 First Han invasion
- 476 Last Roman empror in West
- 527-565 Justinian Eastern emperor
- 580 ff. Spread of Buddhism in Japan
- 586-618 Sui dynasty
- 600-647 Harsha's Empire
- 618 Tang dynasty
- 700 ff. Spread of Islam; trans-Sahara trade in Africa
750 c.e.
- 800-1300 Mississippian culture
- 900 Polynesians to New Zealand
- 900-1200 Toltecs
- 1000 Hieght of the kingdom of Ghana, Africa
1600 b.c.e.
- Aryan invasion of India
- 1500-100 Vedic Age
500 c.e.
- c. 500 Buddhism takes root in east and southeast Asia
- c. Formation of Ghana
- c. 600 Beginning of Islam
- 618 Tang dynasty in China: glourious culture period
- 700 Shintoism unified into single national religion in Japan