1st Granville Visit
KCS Team travels to Granville to learn more about Granville Online and discuss possibilities for establishing an online program in KCS. -
2nd Granville Visit
KCS team visits Granville County to further discuss possibilties for partnership and iKann possibilities. -
Establish KCS iKann Team
Meet with KCS leadership team, ALB teachers and school improvement team to get input and buy in. -
Course Writing Training
KCS teachers attend course writing training in Granvilee. -
BOE Presentation
Present plan to KCS School Board for feedback and approval of iKann pilot program. -
Teacher Mentor Partnership
iKann teahers partner with GO summer school teachers for mentoring. -
Instructional Technology Workshop
iKann teachers attend GO instructional technology workshop in Granville -
iKann Pilot Begins
6-8 iKann courses offered as pilot through partnership with GO. 2-3 iKann courses are written by KCS teachers. -
Evaluate the effectiveness and sustainability of the iKann program. Seek additional funding if successful. -
iKann Middle School Courses Offered
Expand iKann course offering to KMS