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IEP Interactive Timeline

  • Disability Suspected (School District Child Find Requirements)

    Disability Suspected (School District Child Find Requirements)
    Any individual that suspects a child may have a disability (parent, teacher, etc) may refer the child for consideration of special education services. School districts are REQUIRED to have formal child find procedures and protocols in place. This ensures that eligible children are provided needed services.
  • Referral

    When an individual suspects that the child may have a disability, they will make a referral to the school or the LEA (Local Education Agency). If a parent makes the referral, the referral should explain why the parent believes the child may require special education services and the letter should be dated and the school should keep a copy for their records. If someone other than the parents make the referral, parents must be notified IMMEDIATELY in writing.
  • Period: to

    IEP Meeting (Disposition of Referral Meeting)

    Within 15 business days after receiving the referral, school must schedule an IEP meeting including the parents.The IEP team needs to notify the parents of their decision, in writing and written parental consent is necessary before the school can perform an evaluation. Parents must be given 10 DAY WRITTEN NOTICE, of any IEP team meeting.
  • Evaluation

    The IEP team needs to decide what testing is needed given the information they have about the child. The parents need to provide written consent for the testing to be done.
  • Period: to


    Testing will be done by trained and certified evaluators and completed with 60 days after the school has received written parental consent. During this time, parents are sent a copy of all results from testing unless they waive there right.
  • Determination of Eligibility

    Determination of Eligibility
    Once the IEP team reviews the evaluation results, they will decide if the student is eligible for special education services or not. If the child is found to have a disability, they will be identified with one or more of 14 disabilities. Once the child begins to receive services, they will be reevaluated at least once every three years.
  • Period: to

    Development of IEP (If disability found)

    Within thirty days after child is found eligible for special education services, the IEP team will need to develop the IEP for the child
  • Determination of Education Placement

    Determination of Education Placement
    Once the IEP has been signed by the parent, the IEP team needs to determine the LRE (Least Restrictive Environment) for the child to receive special education services.
  • Ongoing IEP Monitoring

    Ongoing IEP Monitoring
    The IEP team will meet at least once a year to review and edit the IEP. Can be more frequently if any member of IEP team has concern.