IE University

  • IE Deposit

  • IE Foundation

    $1,350 (might be optional)
  • Palacio de Barradas

    $1,285 reservation deposit (250 deposit + 1025 rent)
    Payments must be paid in the first 5 days of every month.
    They said that the first rent payment that is in the reservation deposit would be deducted from the last month. I believe this means that we will need to pay the $1000 for the first month of rent in the first 5 days of September.
  • Health Insurance

    Around $550.00
    Must be done prior to visa completion!
  • Visa Completion

    Total Payment - $160
    Items Needed:
    - Medical Form ~ done
    - Passport ~ done
    - FBI Report ~ pending (should be returned mid-August)
    - Proof of Financial Means ~ not done
    - Health Insurance ~ not done
    - Driver License ~ done
    - Proof of Acceptance of Study ~ not done
  • Telephone

    $30 monthly
  • First Payment Palacio de Barradas

    Must be paid in the first 5 days of the month.
  • IE First Payment

    2nd of October
  • Official Document for Sanish Ministry of Education

    This will be gotten in Spain and given to the IE Admissions office.