Identity Timeline

  • Going to 4th grade

    I started 4th grade and noticed that one of my former classmates was held back in 3rd grade. This made me realize that life was a lot more serious and I have to do better in order to not be in the same position.
  • First Fight

    I went to the park with my sister and a group of girls, about 3-4 of them asked us if we wanted to fight them for fun. Me and my sister agreed because we didn't want to back down. The girls let me fight the youngest since they noticed I was small. She looked pretty big but I wasn't scared. I ended up winning the fight and had her on the ground in a matter of seconds and my sister also won her fight as well.
  • Going to high school

    Going to high school from 8th grade made me realize how easy it is to lose friends and get off track easily. I wasn't doing the best and I was slacking off due to following the wrong crowd.
  • First Boyfriend

    I had my first boyfriend freshman year who went to a different school than me and we ended up only lasting for a month due to me getting cheated on
  • Junior Year

    I grew as a person by receiving better grades, dressing how I always wanted to, went out more, played sports like bowling, track and field, and soccer.
  • Covid

    My first time catching covid was during in person learning during Christmas break. I felt horrible and started wearing my mask a lot more.
  • Prom

    I went to prom for the first time with my boyfriend who was a senior, and I had fun with him and the rest of my friends, since my friends were upperclassmen.
  • Summer 2022

    I spent most of my summer with my boyfriend by doing things like going to the beach, going on dates, going to trunk parties, meeting each other's full family, and more. I also had fun with my friends by going on picnics, walked around downtown, and did things for their birthdays.
  • Senior Year

    I started my senior year off strong by getting good grades, getting my GPA up, going out with my friends, and building a better bond with my family.
  • College Acceptance

    College Acceptance
    I got accepted to my dream school, FAMU, and I was so excited because it is the number one public HBCU and it was hard to get into.