
  • Parents Got Married

    Parents Got Married
    When I was born, my parents weren't married. So them getting married was a big moment for me.
  • I am becoming a big sister.

    I am becoming a big sister.
    My first little brother was born. That's when I realized a new identity has opened up for me. Now I have someone to look after and lead in the world.
  • My second brother was born.

    My second brother was born.
    My brother was born 3 years later and I was a little older so I felt more mature to actually be a big sister.
  • Sister was born

    Sister was born
    My sister being born was special because I finally get someone to be closer to on a girl to girl level. She is the best thing that happened to me.
  • My first day of school

    My first day of school
    My first day of school was important because I literally cried to not make my mom go. I was so nervous and scared of meeting new people. But I came home telling my mom all the stuff I did. We laughed about it.
  • First time at the beach

    First time at the beach
    This is memorable even for me because I thought I can be like my cousins and go far out in the water. I almost drowned and have been afraid of the water ever since.

    Covid-19 played a big part in my life. It changed me inside and out. Covid made me more aware of myself and allowed me to be at peace with being alone sometimes.
  • Eighth Grade Graduation

    Eighth Grade Graduation
    Even though we didn't do the things we were planning on doing for our graduation, we still had a good time. My teachers picked me to do the speech for my whole 2020 class. They gave us gifts and prayed for our future for high school.
  • My Surgery

    My Surgery
    My surgery was for my arm. I had synovial synovial chondromatosis. Its a non-cancerous tumor where the bones in my joint (elbow) were slowly breaking down, causing pain in my arm. The surgery was very successful.
  • My Grandma Passing

    My Grandma Passing
    This took a serious tole on me mentally. My grandma was my world and losing her was a hard swallow to take. I still think about her everyday and remember all the times we had together.