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Karin Hagen's timeline

  • Trust vs mistrust

    Trust vs mistrust
    When this event occured I was about a year old. My mom told me that when I was a baby I would never let my dad feed me, it was rare that I would let him. My mom was around more when I was a baby and she had always fed me, so I didn't trust my dad to feed me for a long time until he was around more, and then I became comfortable with him. It's kind of funny to me now.
  • Industry vs Inferiority

    Industry vs Inferiority
    At this time I was 8 years old. I can remember always having a competition with my sisters in school. We'd get our grades back for our speling tests and she'd always beat my scores. I wasn't a bad speller by any means but she was better, she did go on to win the school's spelling bee. At this time, I felt inferior because I couldn't achieve my goals of beating her despite how hard I tried.
  • Identity vs Role Confusion

    Identity vs Role Confusion
    This was a very important time for me. I was in a point in my life where I was developing who I was as a person and branching away from trying to fit in with my peers, as I had done so for so long. I was 18 years old when I gained a sense of who I was. I came to this understanding when I was in a little predictament with the people I called my friends. I won't go too far into detail, but I was in a situation where I felt like I needed to do what was right despite what everyone else thought.
  • Generativity vs Stagnation

    Generativity vs Stagnation
    I'm going to keep today's date for this one because it's an important one. My parents had five children, a huge event in this time period is parenthood. My parents raised five great kids, we are all adults now, and they did well. My parents are actually about to be grandparents. Two of my brothers and sisters are married and one is about to be a mom. That's very exciting and I know my parents are more than proud right now.