ID Process for EBD Timeline

  • Response to Intervention (RTI) - Tier 1

    First day of school, teachers are implementing Tier 1 interventions for all of their students.
  • General Education Intervention

    Tier 1 interventions were not successful. Tier 2 interventions are implemented.
  • LEA initiates for (Re)Evaluation

    General Education Intervention and Plan is not enough. Student requires more intense intervention. Student is referred for initial or reevaluation.
  • Parents notified of LEA evaluation and permission is required

    Parent permission is received and testing can begin.
  • Education Evaluation Testing

    Multidisciplinary team begins conducting evaluation after appropriate referral to special education, include a variety of information sources and measures for determination of ED.
  • Functional Behavior Assessment

    Once parent permission has been received, FBA can be conducted. FBA will help drive BIP and goals.
  • Education Evaluation Report

    After 50 school days, the IEP team puts together their evaluation report. Areas covered are:
    •social and developmental history
    •comprehensive assessment of academic skills
    •behavioral and emotional assessments
  • Determine Eligibility for EBD - must ADVERSELY affect SCHOOL performance

    IEP team determines if student meets the definition for EBD. According to 511 IAC 7-41-7, " 'Emotional disability' means an inability to learn or progress that cannot be explained by cognitive, sensory, or health factors" (Article 7). Student exhibits 1 or more characteristics for an extended period of time and adversely affects their educational performance.
  • The IEP and Placement- specially designed instruction

    If case conference and data shows that student is eligible for EBD, team moves forward with the IEP. IEP includes:
    - evaluation report
    - FBA
    - BIP
    - behavior goal
    - services
    - placement
  • IEP Implementation

    If parents have not already signed IEP (for initial evaluation only), the IEP is put into effect.