• First machine that process information

    First machine that process information
    Created by Charles Babbage (1792-1871) : teacher mathematician of the university of Cambridge
  • ( Algebra of Boole) George Boole

    ( Algebra of Boole) George Boole
    Method in order to resolve problems of logic by means of the values binary (1 y 0) "code binary"
  • First phone

    First phone
    the United States Congress passed Resolution 269 recognizing that the inventor of the telephone had been Antonio Meucci and not Alexander Graham Bell.
    The visionary man who invented the phone was Antonio Meucci who baptized him as a tele-phone, among other technical innovations. For a long time, Alexander Graham Bell was considered the inventor of the phone. However, Bell was not only the first to patent it.
  • The first long-distance radiotelephony transmission

    The first long-distance radiotelephony transmission between the United States and the United Kingdom is carried out by AT & T and the British Postal Office
  • calculator of sequence automatic (George Stibitz and S.B. Wlilliams)

    calculator that uses switch ordinarys of systems of switching telephone
  • The Mark 1

    The Mark 1
    Finished the construction of the "First Universal Electro-Mechanial computer"
  • Is invented the transistor

    Three Bell Laboratories engineers invented the transistor, which, without a single one, was a breakthrough for the entire telephony and communications industry.
  • Circuit integrated "Chip"

    Circuit integrated "Chip"
    finals of these years is produce the invention of the circuit of integrated or chip, from part of Jack S.Kilby and Robert Noyce
  • Period: to

    First Generation

    *1951 UNIVAC I: First commercial computer . Mauchly and Eckert founded the universal computer company(UNIVAC).
    *1951: Maurice Wilkes invents the microprogramming
    *The IBM 701: The first of a long series of computers.
    *1955 -Zuse 722:First computer that leverage the tubes of empty.
    *1956 IBM:Sell out his first system of disk magnetic the RAMAC ( Random Acess Method of Accounting and Control).
  • First language programming

    First language programming
    A Team of IBM, directed by John Backus, create the first language programming named Fortran, formulatted for the IBM 704
  • Period: to

    Seond Generation

    *1962: It is created the first play of computer named "Spacewar"
    *3 4 DEC: launch the PDP-1, his first machine orient the use for personal technical in laboratories and for investigation
    *1964: IBM announce the series 360. that was the first family of computers that could run the same software in diferents combinations of velocity ability and cost
  • Period: to


    *incorporates the resources of television, radio and telephone
    *Beginning of the Cold War creates the first version of the Network for military objectives
    *USA and Spain use the computer as an instrument of binary arithmetrica
  • The first public telephone exchange

    The first public telephone exchange, in the USA, is installed with electronic components and even partially digital.
  • Period: to

    Third generation

    *1964: is announced the first group of construction machines with integrated circuits, which was called "series".
  • Period: to


    *fiber optics was a major breakthrough in this decade
    *Schools began introducing computers to support administrative tasks
  • First personal computer

    First personal computer
    Steve Jobs and his childhood friend Steve Wozniack created the first personal computer, Apple I, in a garage, and founded Apple Computer (now Apple Inc.). This computer consisted of little more than a circuit board and had a cost of just under $ 700. Then followed the Apple II, which became the best selling computer in the 70's and early 80's.
  • Period: to


    *Appeared the first mobile phone was motorola dinata 80000 X
    *1981 sONY And Philips release compact discs (CD)
    *1980 At the beginning of the eighties internet appears
    *1985 MIcrosoft introduces the Windows operating system
    *1989 Word Wide Web was created, the well-known www
  • the first personal computer with graphical user interface and mouse

    the first personal computer with graphical user interface and mouse
    At the Apple annual conference Steve Jobs presented with high expectations, the Apple Macintosh, the first personal computer with graphical user interface and mouse, invented by Xerox Alto
  • Period: to

    The nineties

    *multimedia computers come to market
    * Boom in education with the use of internet and world wide web
  • Period: to


    *programs have been developed more directed to the pedagogy and didactic oriented to the curricular needs
    Incorporation of ICT into the teaching-learning process
    *baxter, the working robot
    *smartphones with great capabilities