ict timeline

By soung
  • When Summer Olympics Began

    The Summer Olympics Began in April 1896
  • When and where the first games where held and who won the most gold medals

    It started in April 6,1896.Was held in Athens, Greece.The United States won the most gold medals
  • When the games where cancelled

    it was cancelled in 1916 and 1940-1944 due to wars
  • when the games were first held in the USA

    They first held it in 1904 in St. Louis, Missouri
  • The seven most recent Summer Olympics

    1992 Barcelona Spain , July 25-Aug 9
    Their own Spanish team won the Olympics
    1996 Atlanta USA,July 19-Aug 4
    Heyns got gold for 2 pool events
    2002 Sydney Australia, Sep 15-October 1
    Tamura made it 3 times in Judo Finals
    2004 Athens Greece,Aug 13-Aug 19
    Slesarenko made it into the records
    2008 Beijing China,August 8-August 24
    Michael Phelps bettered Mark Spitz’s by claiming eight swimming golds
    2012 London,July 27-Aug 12
    Bolt revels 200m clean sweep
    2016 Rio De Janeiro
    Kyle Snyder got gold medal