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GIS ICT Innovations 2013-2020
WHY: Beginning the Journey: A Shared Vision for ICT
The beginning of the journey is establishing a shared vision, establish ownership and buy in for stakeholders, the beginning of an inclusive Learning Community. -
HOW: Teachers, learners and parents co-construct and buy into a collaborative teaching and learning community. Cloud Based LMS, Cloud based documents eg Google Docs, Digital Portfolios, Digital Passports to be devloped etc
Teacher skills identication and areas of passion to be facilitated byprofessional Learning programme -
WHAT: Significant Tools for ICT infrastructure and systems in Place: Collaborative LMS, Digital Literacy Curriculum, BYOD, Digital artefacts able to gathered for evidence and assessement, student focussed and persanlised learning systems in place,
WHY? Reflection and Refinement of sytems and processes based on new innovations and trends - - further devlopment of interents speed, power and meida rich environments, fiurther devlopment of learners and as teachers of creators of content and creators of
HOW? Reflection and Refinement of BYOD, Cloud based LMS and document management etc Classroom practice and teacher professional Learning programme in place.
WHAT? Refinement and Reflection on Learning Tools and ICT Curriculum, Ethics and Digital Citizenship vital in Curriculum. Gamification more prevalent in the classroom to engage learners. Moew mobile technologies allow learning in different environemnts, s
WHY? Complete rewrite of the Vision and Mission. Schools are fundemtally different from Aug 2013, How? How can we meet the needs of the learner of 2018? Community oif Learning established to provide feedback about what we are doing well, and what we need
HOW? High Speed Media rich internet Ubiquitous. Hand held mobile devices are ubiquitous, new challenges to meet the needs of the learners require new strategies, systems and processes in education, and respond to a changing world and work place.
WHAT? SChools are fundamentally fifferent from 2013 - - how have we been able to meet the needs of a completely society from 2013? I am seeing toally 24 hour a day mearning remote learning, global systems for sharing learning, vistual environemnts, gamif