4000 BCE
Invention of writing
I put this one as first, since it happened in prehistory, and it was in my opinion the first form of communication apart from speech. Even now we still use writing, that's why it is so important to me. -
150 BCE
Smoke signals
I put this because its another way of comunication, where the indians, gave messages to their partner of enemies attacks, etc. -
43 BCE
Carrier pigeon
I put this, because it another way of comunication, but with this they could sen messages far away using the pigeons. -
The printing press
This was a way of comunication, where they could send messages or informate to not only one person, they coul informate to a lot of persons, using this machine, that copies one paper into a lot of them. -
Telegraph and morse code Samuel F.B. Morse
This was a type of comunication, where you could send important messages to someone by sounds with the electricity. It was used more for the wars and in towers of comunication, to comunicate one person with other.
I also put this because is very important. In the wars if you send a message by paper with a person, they will kill him, but with the morse code you dont need to even stand up of your chaire. -
This type of comunication, was very useful in that times, because they can send messages in paper inmediatly with this gadget. -
Invention of the telephone Alexander Graham Bell
The invention of this gadget was wonderful for the humanity, because you could comunicate with anyone, the time that you wanted, talking without seeing them. -
First television
The persons could know what was happening in the world seing with this, also was a new type of entretaiment for the childrens with the cartoons. -
First radio station, KDKA
This was a very confortable way of comunication, because you could take your radio anywhere that you wanted, listening the news. -
First computer
With this you could save a lot of information in a little space more confortable, that in a book. -
You could send a message in a instant, of a computer to another. -
First mobile phone
You could comunicate talking, but anywhere, because you could take the mobile phone anywhere you wanted. -
The information of the computer and also the emails, you could do it anywhere with this, because was portable. -
Mundial Web
You could find anything you wanted to know using this. -
This app, help us to comunicate, not only talking with anyone that you wanted of the world, also you could make a video call to see them. -
With this people could communicate with anyone, sending or posting photos or videos. They can also surf the application to discover news, etc. -
People could make videos and post them here for anyone that want to see it, for entreteinment or for discover things. -
It was for send messages in a instant to anyone, you could also send photos, links, audios, etc. -
This was a updating of the messenger, more easy to use, you could use it without WIFI, it does not ocuppy a lot in the memory of the smarphone, and you could do a lot of more things. -
Apple Watch
With this you could comunicate more easly, not only because you have to put it on your wrist, its because you could also make calls, know the heart palpitations that you have, and more things.