255px españa y portugal

Iberian Peninsula

  • Jan 1, 711

    Muslim euterol the Iberian Peninsula

    An army of Berbers arrived to the Peninsula, led by Tariq.
  • Jan 31, 711

    Battle of Guadalete

    Rodrigo confronted them in the Battle of Guadalete, Cádiz, in 711.
  • Jan 31, 722

    Battle of Covadonga

    Resistance in the North 722, Battle of Covadonga, led by Pelayo defeated the Muslims.
  • Jan 31, 732

    Battle of Poltiers

    Crossed the Pyrenees, but defeated at the Battle of Poitiers
  • Jan 31, 756

    Dependent Emirate

    Controlled almost all the Peninsula (but the North). Dominions in the Peninsula became part of the caliphate and became known as Al Andalus (capital in Córdoba).
  • Jan 31, 929

    Independent Emirate

    Abderramán escaped from Damascus to Al-Andalus and name himself Independent Emir of the Caliphate.
  • Jan 31, 1031

    Córdoba Caliphate

    Abderramán III named himself caliph (political and religious power). Most glorious period.
  • Jan 31, 1085

    Taifa Kingdoms

    Internal fights → Caliphate divided into small independent kingdoms called taifas.