IBCP PPS Time Line

  • I was born!

    I was born, I think around 3-4am but yeah I don't know what else to add about me being born..
  • daycare/pre-school

    I started going to preschool when I was 3-6 years old and I was an extremely energetic kid because I always enjoyed talking to people and meeting others, but since at home I always spoke Spanish it was hard to learn English. It made me more social later on in my life but I know when to shut up.
  • Parents Divorce

    My parents got divorced when I was 7 years old and I remember it clearly, I stayed with my mom because I was more closer to her as a kid, the divorce did a number on my family but I stood by my moms side and took care of her, I even took a month off school to help her feel and get better. It was hard but it built me into the caring person I am now.
  • School!

    I went to passages charter school for my elementary school and middle school, its an okay school but I made friends that I sometimes talk to or sometimes don't but its fine I'm glad I made new friends here! I wasn't as social in middle school I was incredibly shy and reserved. I would only talk in class when needed or if anyone came up to me only, but I realized that speaking up for myself and being recilent is the push I needed.
  • COVID-19

    Quarantine was the absolute worse, my mom made so homemade remedies to "prevent" COVID to happening to me but I got it regardless which felt like absolute agony. Having to do almost everything behind a screen and having to call everyday was exhausting but after it was over I talked more and more to my friends but it made me get more of an open mind with how much time I had spent on the internet.
  • Staying with my aunt.

    During quarantine my mom found out that my sister got into a motorcycle accident that was horrible and she told me to stay with my aunts house till she got back. I have never been closer to my cousins than I am now. I was happy and became more independent of myself. My cousins helped me with school and with "boy drama". They are my second family, always calling my aunt my "second mom" because she will always be like that for me, it showed me to care for others.
  • Graduating

    I was so ready to graduate. I was done with my middle school because there was a lot of drama between everyone there but thankfully it was all over, I became a more semi-organized person in life due to having to organize my classes, time, personal life, etc.