Ian hacking

Ian Hacking 1936-Current

  • Formal Education

    Formal Education
    At the University of British Columbia, Ian Hacking earned his first degree, a BA in mathematics and physics. Later, he continued his education at Cambridge University, receiving his BA, MA, and Ph.D.
  • Representing and intervening-Part 1

    Representing and intervening-Part 1
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mYfVgdtfUY Discusses Hacking's thoughts on realism, which hold that, as far as our science is concerned, even if something cannot be observed, it may nonetheless be real.
  • Representing and intervening-Part 2

    Representing and intervening-Part 2
    According to Hacking's theory, even if a notion isn't yet concrete, it can nevertheless be supported by science and be true. He continues by explaining how, while not being touchable or tactile, electrons are currently acknowledged to be real by means of other hypotheses.
  • David Papineau

    David Papineau
    Hacking had an effect on a doctoral candidate in philosophy while he was a professor at the University of Cambridge. To solve the intentionality conundrum, he helped establish the teleosemantic theory of mental representation, which derives the intentional substance of our ideas from their biological function.
  • Overview

    Attending classes is primarily done to increase your knowledge in a particular field. According to the explanation given to me, knowledge is a circle; when we specialize in something, we take up a small portion of the circle; the more we know, the closer we will come to the circle's edge. You should strive to get beyond the outer ring to understand more information once you have earned your Ph.D. In the course of doing this, Hackings mentored someone who will carry on his legacy.