
I was born November 17, 2003

  • 2005 BCE

    I started doing dance at 4

    I started doing dance at 4
    When i was 4 i started to do dance
  • 2004 BCE

    I didn't have hair till I was 1

    I didn't have hair till I was 1
    I didn't have hair till i was 1 then it started growing in. My mom would always put bows and flowers to cover the fact i didn't have much hair
  • I started preschool at mudpies in Warsaw

    I was 3 when i went to preschool. I started a year earlier because i have a late birthday
  • I moved to Wyoming at age 5

    After mudpies my family and I moved to Wyoming
  • My house

    My house
    We lived in a big white house in Wyoming on main street. I had my own room and my brothers shared a room and so did my mom and dad.
  • I started soccer in the summer

    I started soccer in the summer
    I started to play summer soccer. I loved soccer i played for 5 years
  • I went to Wyoming School

    I went to Wyoming School
    I moved to Wyoming and that year i started Wyoming Central School in kindergarten
  • My parents split up in 2012

    My mom and dad got divorced. I lived with my brothers and mom and saw my dad on weekends
  • I started to play softball

    I started to play softball
    I started softball 6 years later in 2013. I played for Warsaw summer league. I was pitcher
  • I started Volleyball

    I started Volleyball
    In 7th and 8th grade in Wyoming you're allowed to play sports. I started to play volleyball in 7th grade.
  • My new house

    My brothers live by their selves now so its just me and my mom we moved recently into a big apartment
  • I got braces in 2017

    I got braces in 2017
    I finally got braces after wearing a top expander for 2 months and my bottom one for a month