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My timeline <3

By isaitoo
  • I was born in 1993

  • When I was a baby I used to sleep a lot

  • I loved played with my friends

    I loved played with my friends
  • I love went to kindergarten

    I love went to kindergarten
  • wen I was six years old I meet my best friend Iris

    wen I was six years old I meet my best friend Iris
  • I went to Vegas when I was 6

    I went to Vegas when I was 6
  • when he was in primary I was in the escort

    when he was in primary I was in the escort
  • I won an award of knowledge in secondary

    I won an award of knowledge in secondary
  • The best thing in the world happnend in 2012

    The best thing in the world happnend in 2012
    My niece was born in 2012
  • I felt in love when I was 19

    I felt in love when I was 19