I.T. Pioneers

By EFagley
  • Christopher Latham Sholes

    Christopher Latham Sholes
    Invented the first keyboard
  • John Atanasoff

    John Atanasoff
    On this date he made the very first digital computer capiable of solving up to 29 simultaneous linear equations. the computer itself had no CPU but worked from vacuum tubes and worked off of DRAM memory
  • Tommy Flowers

    Tommy Flowers
    Tommy Flowers made the first programmable electronic computer. The computer was called Colossus and he used it to help solve encrypted German messages.
  • John Mauchly

    John Mauchly
    Made the first general perpose electronic digital computer. Computer was able to be programmed to solve a large class of numeral problems
  • Grace Hopper

    Grace Hopper
    Invented the first high level programming language that was able to transform the source code to go to lower level languages.
  • John Backus

    John Backus
    Made the first widely used high programming language called FORTRAN which is a general purpose programming language mainly used for scientific computing
  • Douglas Engelbart

    Douglas Engelbart
    Invented the first computer mouse. Had 3 buttons and was able to move
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    Invented Microsoft
  • Adam Osborne

    Adam Osborne
    Made the first portable computer. Commercially avaialabe and weighed 23.5 pounds
  • Shiva Ayyadurai

    Shiva Ayyadurai
    Invented electronic mail , that he called Email
  • Bjarne Stroustrup

    Bjarne Stroustrup
    Invented the C++ programming langauge. mainly used towards system programming
  • Tim Beners_Lee

    Tim Beners_Lee
    Invented the world wide web. Used Data Centers to House world wide web servers
  • Robert Gaskins

    Robert Gaskins
    Invented Powerpoint, For Presentations
  • Larry Page

    Larry Page
    Invented Google. A online search engine that was the first ever to Sort By PageRank