I.T. Pioneers

  • Nathaniel Baldwin

    He created the first ever pair of headphones.
  • John Atanasoff

    John Atanasoff
    He created the Antanasoff-Berry computer. It was the first electronic digital computer. Used electricity and electronics not mechanics. Used binary numbers.
  • Tommy Flowers

    Tommy Flowers
    Tommy Flowers created the world' s first programmable digital computer. This was called the Colossus.
  • John Mauchly

    He helped create and design ENIAC. It was a general purpose digital computer. This was the first commercially produced computer in the United States.
  • John Backus

    He directed a team that invented the first widely used high-level programming language. Called FORTRAN and also invented BNF.
  • Grace Hopper

    Grace Hopper
    She helped to create the first high-level programming language called COBOL.
  • Douglas Engelbart

    Douglas created the computer mouse. We still use these everyday. Used to navigate the computer.
  • Reynold Johnson

    Reynold Johnson
    Created the first commercial hard drive that was used. The first HDD was huge and only held just over 3GB.
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    Bill Gates created the first OS for a computer. He is also created Windows OS which dominates the market today. Also he has created video game systems.
  • Adam Osborne

    Adam Osborne
    He is credited with creating the first commercially available portable computer. It weighed 24.5lbs and cost a little under $2,000.
  • Robert Gaskins

    Robert Gaskins
    Robert Gaskins created PowerPoint that is now owned by Microsoft. But was originally created and used on a Mac.
  • Tim Berners-Lee

    Tim Berners-Lee
    He invented the World Wide Web in 1989.
  • Bjarne Stroustrup

    Bjarne Stroustrup
    He created the programming language C++ which is still widely used today.
  • Larry Page

    He is an internet entrepreneur who cofounded Google. The other cofounder is Sergey Brin.