my birth
I was born on the 3rd of month 3 with 3 minutes to 1, a coincidence that would later lead to inspire my writings. -
nicotine attack
nicotine attack
When I was 2 years old, I used to be behind my uncle who smoked a lot, and as a baby I began to put cigarette butts in my mouth, this triggered a nicotine attack in my body, the doctor gave me certain very painful injections, what made him afraid of injections Later I would write about how the fear of needles can affect us in personal life -
scar on leg
When I was 4 years old, I was playing in the backyard of the house on a tile, and I ended up cutting my leg, it was the biggest pain I have ever felt, from this I left a scar for life, it covered half of my leg, without However when I grew up it became smaller today it measures 4 cm, this took me despite the fact that just as this scar became smaller when I grew up, the problems and pains change over time. -
first contact with writing
When I learned to write, I constantly wrote in a notebook the things that made me angry, that made me happy and important events for me, so I started with my writing -
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Bachelor's thesis in 10th grade
When we were in the tenth grade, we did a thesis about our project for university studies, it was time to write a document and a presentation, it was quite a complex experience and it helped me to experiment with a more academic vocabulary -
writing contest
When I was 14 years old, while at school, I got a contest in which everyone had to write a story, a story or, failing that, draw a picture about peace, I wrote my writing and delivered it some time later they called us to say that we had won and that it would come out in a book, that we could buy it at the book fair, but in the end we never went and I don't remember the name of the book -
vaccine at school
When I was 15 they went to school to get vaccinated, at first I did not want to but in the end I left and just looked the other way, then I realized that it did not hurt as much as I remembered, this led me to analyze how childhood traumas follow us for years and make us fear things in an unfounded way -
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creation of my poetry blog
Since I was very young I was interested in poetry when I was 18 I began to write every text that appeared in my mind, I ended up creating a blog to upload and share them, every time I have the opportunity I keep writing -
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Unad tasks
With the university jobs I started to work on my writing little by little, gradually improving my vocabulary and way of writing, making my way of writing more and more complex