
Hutto.Okeefe Space Race Timeline

  • Choosing the sceintist

    Sally kristen RIde during her time in college at stanford university
  • Choosing Seven Pioneers

    Choosing Seven Pioneers
    In 1958, the newly formed National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) needs astronauts about 7 people to go into space.
  • Race to the moon

    The soviet union has just launced the first man into space in apollo 11 space shuttle which started the space race.
  • First Space Flights

    First Space Flights
    NASA wanted to send the first human in space. But on 1961, the Soviets successfully launched into orbit. He circles Earth in 108 minutes and lands safely.
  • orbiting the earth

    Glenn onboard Freindship 7 during americas first orbital flight.
  • First deaths in space

    apollo 1 astronauts Ed white gus grissom and roger chafree Were the first people to die in space
  • First space flights

    apollo 11 astronaurnauts neill armstrong, michael cullons and buzz aldron.
  • Lift off

    apollo 11 lifts off from earth.
  • lunar landing

    Buzz aldron inside the lunar modual in apollo 11.
  • The first moonwalk

    Neil armstrong takes the first step on to the moon.
  • Returning home

    Freindship 7 Gos through the earths atmosphere and splashes into the ocean So the occupant Glenn csn be returned succesfully
  • The space shuttle program

    Nasa sends it s first space station into orbit.
  • a Hero's welcome

    John glenn is given a heros welcome during a ticketer tape parade in new york city
  • First reusable space veichle

    the first reusable space veichle was reusable
  • The right person for the job

    NASA announces the new crew fot sts 7.
  • Take off

    Sally ride and john fabian preparing to board sts 7
  • First black Woman In Space

    First black Woman In Space
    Mae was accepted into NASA's astronaut program in 1987 and she was the first black woman in space.
  • Astronaut Training

    Astronaut Training
    Nasa needs a sertain amount of people to train. In one test, the astronauts are spun around at high speed until the pressure on their bodies is 16 times that of their own weight.
  • Blast Off

    Blast Off
    People are waiting for the nasa rockets launches people all around the world will be watching tv.
  • The firs surface travel on anothe planet

    Arriving The sovier rover on top of the mermaid dune on mars
  • First Woman In Space

    First Woman In Space
    Sally Ride, the first American woman in space,